delta spirit!


Oh wow! More live music! I love the month of March. Between the NCAA basketball, SXSW and then all the bands that finally come back to this frozen tundra... it's just a fantastic time.Tonight we caught Delta Spirit over at the Fine Line, and they were fantastic. I'm sure you're tired of hearing me say how great all these bands are, but it's just so nice that all my favorites happen to be coming through right now! Anyway, when I arrived at the club, they told me I could only shoot the first three songs. I always have mixed emotions about this rule. 1) But I'll miss so many fun shots during the encore! And don't you know that the longer they're on stage, the more alcohol they consume and the better the photos get? But then 2) Great! I can put down my camera and just enjoy the show! Who cares how the images turn out! See? Mixed feelings.Anyway, I'm not thrilled with these shots as so many more photographable moments came later in the show. But, I had such a good time watching the band and singing along that it's not that big of a deal.And before I forget! Waters, the openers, were great. If you're going to see Delta Spirit out on this tour, get there early for the openers. Well worth it.OK, the rest of the photos are up over here. Enjoy!