

0925analogsmRemember last week when I was designing that book? It came! And it is looooooovely. I know we all look at photos on our phones and computers all day long. But there is something so wonderful about holding a photo in my hands and seeing it on paper. And in a book? Even better!Many people ask me who I use to print my albums, and it really depends on the project. But for things close to my heart, I opt for Pinhole Press and their hardcover books. I love how the images can extend over the binding beautifully, and their printing and paper is delicious.Many people also stop me and ask me where I got the boots I'm wearing in the photo above. They are Fluevogs. I splurged on them about 3.5 years ago, and I have never once regretted it. Comfortable, sturdy and beautiful.For your internet share of the day, I both love and hate the idea of this camera that decides if it will let you snap that photo or not.