another family film


post by leslie

So sorry for the lack of posts last week! I'll try to be better this month, I promise! While work has been completely manageable, we had family in town and in my efforts to be more present and to put down the camera (and computer) when spending time with loved ones results in fewer blog posts, but a happier family. So there you go!This is a family film that I completed last week with amazing people that I adore a thousand percent. I met the mom years and years ago when she taught one of my favorite yoga classes. Since then, she and her husband started a landscaping business, and they designed and completed our backyard! Working with them in any capacity is always a blast, but getting to know their little boys was the most delightful part of this session. I hope you enjoy!And if you would like a family film of your own, here is the package information.Now, on to my internet shares of the day:+ How to ween yourself from plastic.+ An underwater restaurant!+ I love these stamps.+ Want to get paid to stay in bed?