

05smOh hey! It's Astronautalis! Been awhile, eh? Last night I had dinner with my buddy Stacy and then we went back over to McNally Smith (the local music college where she works) and watched Andy here perform and then answer questions during a live interview. I love all the crazy cool things that happen in this town like this. Things that you find out about behind the scenes or at the last minute or whatever. Some of my favorite shows have been at radio stations, colleges or record stores.Don't get me wrong, I also love those big fancy shows at First Avenue, but these are a wonderful bonus.So yeah, this photo is from last night, but there's a method to my madness. I'm shooting a very late show tonight that will leak into tomorrow, and that will be my photo for tomorrow as I have a very early flight to catch and I need to better utilize my time. I hope you understand...And for your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to this fabulous video called "Why Does My Body Do That?" Watch and learn why your fingers prune when they're wet and why you feel like you're falling when going to sleep. Wonderful find by the lovely Margaret, as usual.Also, if you want to see more photos from the Astronautalis McNally show, they are up here. Enjoy!