atta boy


0426merlinsmThere's my guy. He had a rough week last week (lots of deep sighs, sleeping all day and limping around), but he had his acupuncture on Tuesday (it had been about 6 weeks since his last appointment), and he's on the rebound! He's happy, wagging his tail and back to barking at neighborhood dogs out on their walks. But on the odd side of the coin, he has stopped eating from his bowl.I can hold his bowl, he's not interested. I can put it on an elevated surface, and he's not interested. We can put his food in a different bowl, and he's not interested. Want to know how he likes it? Spilled out across the floor.What is THAT about? Honestly, I don't know if he even wants the food or if he just feels bad about the mess and eats it up to make me happy. Regardless, he has his annual vet checkup on Monday, and hopefully we'll know more then.For your internet share today, Jamie found a video interview with the fascinating Texan who taught us the two step when we were in Austin. I cannot tell if this woman is 30 and lived a hard life or if she's 70 and is looking good. What do you think? Regardless, next time you're in Austin, go take a dance lesson from this woman. It's a blast.