austin, texas // day two


0410dinnersmMan, I could get used to this.We started today by slowly rolling out of bed and getting brunch at one of our very favorite spots in town, South Congress Cafe. I had the Migas, which are an Austin specialty of eggs and salsa and beans and tortillas (YUM) and Jamie had his usual carrot cake french toast with butter pecan frosting. Yeah. It's as amazing as it sounds.After that we walked and walked and walked and checked out the neighborhoods and shops and then ventured over to a botanical garden before heading back to rest our feet and brains before dinner with our buddy Todd. He met us at Contigo (which my friend Julie had also mentioned as fabulous) and we had an amazing dinner outside (pictured above) because the whole damn place is outside. Isn't it lovely? And it's dog friendly! Which I adored.I brought the Fuji with me ALL day today and never really snapped a photo I loved. I guess I'll return the camera, but I'm a touch sad because I adore the idea of having something so lightweight and small to carry each day for my blog. But it didn't excite me to shoot with it, and as soon as I put my Nikon in my bag before dinner tonight that familiar anticipation returned and I guess that I'm just a DSLR girl at heart.Because of that, the above photo is the only one you're getting today. But tomorrow? It's gonna get good, kids. I promise.