autumn drive


1014fallsmToday I had to go back to the hospital for a few follow-up tests. Don't worry! I actually feel good -- they just want to make sure all those antibiotics actually killed off my infections.Anyway! Jamie was working from home today... so I left the baby with him.Gasp! I KNOW! I left the house on my own without the kid! And it was A.W.E.S.O.M.E.Now, don't get me wrong -- I adore little Ezra to pieces. Really! I am even sorta stunned myself at how much I love spending time with that little peanut. But as I was backing out of the driveway, and as I turned up the Nirvana song to near deafening levels, I had a huge smile on my face. Alone? In the car? With Nirvana and a gorgeous autumn day? BRING IT. And instead of going straight to the hospital, I figured a stop off at Starbucks for some pumpkin spice goodness would be an excellent idea. And then I sipped my coffee, blared my music and drove along curvy back roads only stopping to snap photos of beautiful fall foliage.You guys, drives like that? They are so good for the soul.You know what else is probably good for my soul? THIS COOKBOOK. Man-oh-man do I want that in my arsenal.