babies babies everywhere!


post by leslie

Right now I am inundated with baby shoots, and it is pleasing me to no end! About seven or eight years ago, when I first started this business, newborn shoots terrified me because, well, babies were just little aliens and I was terrified of breaking them or being barfed on. Now that I'm a mom? BRING ME ALL THE BABIES! WHO CARES ABOUT BARF!?!Seriously, having Ezra has changed my entire perspective on family shoots, but newborn shoots in particular as I now fully understand how fleeting (and sweet and amazing) this time period is.This week, I am photographing three new babies and one maternity session (along with two toddler families and an agency head shot session thrown in for good measure). Today's images were taken last week as I dropped off food for a dear friend who just gave birth. I have a "real" session with this little lady next week, but I didn't want these images to go to waste. See what I mean about all the babies! September. I tell you what.No internet shares today -- life is just too hectic. Oh! But you might want to see my new haircut on instagram.