baby cakes


Look at those lashes! Eero here is almost four weeks old (and yes, time flies) and his parents stopped by today for a quick visit. This little guy slept the entire time... again. Someday maybe I'll get to see what color his eyes are! But until then I'll just be happy that he's so content and sleeping so well.But this fun surprise visit wasn't the only good part of my day. I've got some irons in the fire for projects at work that are going really well and I'm really excited about and I'm not allowed to talk about. So... how about I share what I *can* talk about?! Today our swimsuit issue came out! Remember when I shot this? Well here are the results from that day! I suggest the video for the best look at what these shoots are like. I'm not *in* the video (someone here hates being on camera) but I assemble the team for this kind of job and oversee the look of it all. And I get paid! To do what I love! Yes, life is good.