iron and whine


Tonight I was back at First Ave for Iron and Wine. I really love the new album, which was kindof shocking to me considering how, um, opposed I am to the older stuff this band put out. Wait, correction. I love Iron and Wine collaborations: see Calexico. But on it's own, I get bored. And to be fair, I do bore easily. More photos from that show are over here.Anyway, because I am such a big fan of the latest work, I was eager to see the live show and see how it translated.... and boy, I probably should have stayed home. And, again to be fair, I disliked it so much that I left after four songs. So maybe it improved drastically and I should shut my trap. But then again, it takes a LOT to get me to walk out after only four songs...Enough about the music though. Wanna know what I love about this photo? All that lens flare! Jamie laughs at my love of flare and compares it to JJ Abrams* (see Star Trek). And he's right! I can't help it, I adore interesting flare. And that's what I get with my 35-70mm lens. Because this one time? This lens slipped from my bag and fell onto an asphalt parking lot and gave me a heart attack. But luckily, it still works fine (knock on wood) and the chips in the glass create this cool flare at shows. So see? Glass half full, right there.* You all know that JJ Abrams latest film, Super 8, comes out this weekend, right? I am SO excited! I've been waiting for this movie since last October, at LEAST. It's a collaboration with Spielberg! Squeee!