back at the doughnut shop


12smThis morning I was back at Bogart's capturing a few more shots for their website. Seriously, is there a better way to start the day than a photo shoot in a doughnut shop? I THINK NOT. Then, because they are wonderful people, they sent me packing with a ton of doughnuts that trust me I do not need in this big round belly right now. So I stopped by and visited my buddy Chris and gifted him with some delicious carbs while we talked about our love for Alby. It was a really nice morning.For your internet share today, I thought I would share Alby's obituary for those of you who are interested.And on a lighter note, my dear friend Jen posted this adorable dog photo on her daily photo blog a while back and I keep meaning to share it! I have NO IDEA how she managed to get this shot, but it makes me smile every time.Also? I couldn't end this post without an actual photo of doughnuts, could I?18sm