bad ear day


mwm0815smI was working in my office this morning and I could hear Magda in the next room making her happy puppy wimpering noises. She does this sometimes, and it's amazingly adorable. So I snuck in to see what was making her so happy. She was curled up on our bed chewing on an old toy, just happy as a clam. And look at those ears! Ha!We'll need you all to say a quick prayer for the Vizsla today as she has an "interview" at doggy daycare. Yes, we are those people. Oh, don't act so surprised.We want to drop her off one day a week to run her effing heart out so she's calmer the rest of the week. Right now we're doing ok with long (LONG) walks and dog park time, but when it gets cold I want another option, and this is it. So we'll see if they let her in.For your internet share of the day, I'm gonna let you in on a secret. Did you know H&M sold beautiful home goods? NEITHER DID I! Special thanks to Nubby Twiglet for enlightening me. Enjoy it here!