beach house. the darkest hour.


Beach House performs at First Avenue on Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2015. Photo by Leslie Plesser.Last night, I was fortunate enough to get to photograph Beach House. I really love their music. But their concerts? I dunno. I might be too sober? I might want more movement? Maybe the photographer in me just wants a little action. Like ... a head bob. Or a smile. Or something. Anyway, they are tough for me to shoot. Toward the end of the show, Victoria Legrand finally did let loose and shake her hair for about 10 seconds before going back to stock still again. But, as concert photographers, we are asked to only shoot the first three songs and then stop... so yeah.But I'm showing you this particular image because one of my favorite things to look at while I'm photographing a band up close is their feet. I like to see what socks they are wearing, what their shoes are and what they are drinking. Most of the time, it's water or tea. And beer. Rarely mixed drinks. Anyway, it's just something I like to check out, and sometimes I photograph.If you want to see the rest of the faceless photos from the night, they are up over at City Pages. If you want something more interesting, this made me laugh. It reminds me of how I asked Jamie out on our first date. Sometimes you just have to jump at an opportunity! And this is the halloween costume I really want to get for Ezra, but I won't because it's kinda pricey. BUT OMG SO CUTE.