bee season
So today I was living the glamorous life of a freelancer, taking a break between client invoicing, mileage reports and emails to do other fabulous work like picking up dog poop from the backyard (what? I don't want you people to think it's all about the travel and the excitement! You need to hear about the reality as well...), and I saw a huge cicada bug. I quickly snapped a photo for instagram and then ran inside for my macro lens to get a really cool photo. And when I came back outside, it was gone.So later this afternoon, I was trying to figure out what to photograph for the blog (in the back of my mind, of course, as I edited photos and maintained websites), and I realized that I never really celebrated the first day of fall on my blog. And we all know fall is my FAVORITE season. You have the crisp air, the fresh school supplies, the fires in the fireplace and the brand new TV shows. What's not to love?? So I thought I would head back out with my macro lens and shoot some leaves or flowers or something.
I bent down to snap these porch plants and then a bee landed on them right in my frame. That's how you spell a.w.e.s.o.m.e., in case you're wondering. Then? Then ANOTHER bee (of a different breed!) landed! Also in my frame! AND THEN! Then they started to FIGHT! It was like the Discovery channel on my front porch!!What? Don't give me that look. I just told you what the rest of my day was like. This was EXCITING, dammit.
Anyway, for those of you who are not camera and lens geeks like myself, one thing to know is that my macro lens is manual focus. No snappy auto-focus for this girl, so these are the best three shots I got. Much like the fox, I simply could not edit it down to one image.Ok, ok, ok. Enough about Mother Nature. For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you over to this cool graphic that illustrates time -- and the coolest part is looking at the life of a current 30-year-old in graphic form. Or at least I thought so. Enjoy!