best footwarmer ever


0911merlinsmOh, this guy. I am just so smitten with him. Still.Because tomorrow is my official Due Date (!!), we took Ms. Magda to doggie daycare today to wear her out should things, um, start happening and she be stuck at home alone for a bit until the house sitter arrives. Which left me and the boy here home alone all day. So while reading my next book, my feet got super cold. (It's still in the 40s/50s here today, and no I am not turning on the heat in September. I have principles.) The chill led me to invite this gentleman up onto the sofa, and then I shoved my freezing feet underneath that furry butt of his. And he didn't mind a bit. The warmth he puts off? Something to be reckoned with. A pretty great day.OK. Change of subject.So, I don't do this very often, but I could really use all the good juju you guys can muster sent my way on Friday morning. Not for me. Not for labor (although feel free to do that as well!). But for my dad, who I absolutely adore despite his conservative leanings (and he would say the same thing about my "liberal brainwashing"). He is having a pretty major surgery on Friday morning that involves opening up his head. Yes, on my due date. It is killing me that I cannot be back in Kansas right now to ask the doctor a gazillion questions and bring my dad drinks and take care of him and, in general, just be there, you know? We just learned the date of the surgery last week, and since it's on my due date I am (obviously) not allowed to travel.Hopefully, I will not be writhing in pain in my own hospital room at the time of his procedure, but rather just biting my nails, pacing the house, waiting to hear from my family on how it all went. Not stressful at all. You see why I'd like your good, happy thoughts? Yes? Thank you.For your internet shares of the day, did you see this rad map of Replacements landmarks around Minneapolis? Yup. Only sorta excited for that concert on Saturday (!!!). But if the 'Mats aren't your thing, this read from a survivor of the WTC on 9/11 is absolutely enthralling. Seriously. Stop what you're doing and go read that now. And people? I've said it a million times: ENJOY EVERY MOMENT YOU HAVE. Life is too short.