birthday boy


0327MerlinsmThis guy turns 11 today. Yup, he goes all the way to 11!And yes, that's a bit of lipstick on his nose. Poor guy always has lipstick on his nose because his mama can't stop kissin' him.I really, really wanted to work on this shot more, getting both him and the cupcake in focus and a little light adjustment, but the poor guy was so uncomfortable sitting on his back legs that I just snapped what I could as fast as I could (I think we spent about 5 minutes on this).I cannot tell you how much I am itching to get my photo studio finished so I can play down there for real. Today they are finishing up the floors (in the studio, not the full basement) and next week they'll install the desk/table (it mounts to the wall). Then... I think.... it's done. Also! Next week I might have a laundry room again! How rad would THAT be!? Pretty rad, lemme tell you.For today's internet share, I'm sending you to this hilarious video of Jude Law and Jimmy Fallon making weird faces like kids. I promise, you'll laugh.