birthday girl turns five!
My girl turns five today! I can barely believe it.On the one hand, it feels like last week that she was tackling us in bed with her sharp teeth at 5 am demanding walks and playtime. On the other hand, since she has arrived we've remodeled two bathrooms, a basement, a kitchen and had a kid. So it seems like ages ago.She's still got her spunk, and she still tries to taste every single person's brain with her tongue-up-the-nose greeting, but she's become more of a snuggler and is far better to walk on a leash now. And we won't mention the white whiskers creeping in around her sweet face.
For your internet shares of the day:+ On one hand, I don't think I could spend $145 on a pair of pants. On the other, man would these look sexy on.+ I love my analog daybooks. Here are some ideas for others of you who love to take notes with actual pen and paper.+ The surf from above.