birthday girl!


Tonight after more than twelve hours of work (bitter? who's bitter?), I finally met up with a group of friends to celebrate Mandy's (on the right) birthday. Meredith (on the left) had brought fun hats for everyone, and we all had delicious dinner and drinks at Nick and Eddie.Mandy got a Fuji Instimax camera as a gift, and I really, really wanted to examine it and such (as I want one of those things BAAAAD), but I didn't want to get my germy hands all over her new present. See, this cold seems to be gaining on me and the coughing, nose-blowing etc. is starting to get out of hand. On the bright side, I'm hoping the sexy, throaty Lauren Bacall voice is right around the corner. How's that for a glass-half-full mentality?

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser