

Today was my first day back in the office since my vacation began, and I was kind of excited to get back to it. I generally have a pretty good attitude about my job (I realize I'm super lucky to have such a cool gig where I get paid to be creative and work with a ton of my very favorite musicians and artists). But today? DEAR SWEET JESUS DID IT SUCKEvery single task was harder than it should have been. EVERY. SINGLE. THING. Just one example so you don't think I'm, you know, embellishing or anything. The last day before vacation I spent several hours working ahead on next week's cover. When I arrived today? Gone. Disappeared. Deleted. Never to be seen again. THAT was the kind of thing that kept happening today. Over and over and overSo I came home, fixed a drink, ate an amazing dinner and am on my way to bed. Let's hope tomorrow is better.