groggy girl


Well good morning! When was the last time I blogged at 6:52 am? (After a night of sleep, that is... not before). I have been awake since 4:58 am thanks to some truly horrendous workmares (dreams about work / nightmares), and around 6:20 Memphis here got all snuggly and fell back asleep, and damn she's adorable.Plus, I figured some of you might be wanting a health update on the old girl. Well, I wish it was better news. She had a very rough time coming home from the cabin (vomiting, loss of appetite, complete lethargy). Yesterday, finally, she seemed more like herself. We are learning that any kind of excitement whatsoever (whether it be a short walk, company on the house or a trip to the lake) wears her out physically, and she pays for the following few days. I'm hoping she'll be fully back to "normal" this afternoonOtherwise, we're just feeding her the new diet and waiting a few more weeks to do a blood sample and see if the new food is helping at all. In the meantime, I'm just gonna crawl back into bed with my girl. Who could resist?