bonus post!


You guys know I'm a total science nerd, so it's not surprising that when it got to be 15 minutes before the eclipse, I decided I better check it out.Last month I ended up randomly buying this filter for my camera that turned everything BLACK. The intent was to make a sunny day look like dusk, but on the day we shot, it was overcast and rainy so I didn't need the filter. But since I had it, and it was partly cloudy outside, I figured I could use it to shoot the eclipse if I didn't stare. So I quickly aimed my autofocus and closed my eyes and shot. This is what I got!So I got to be both a photo nerd AND a science nerd today. Pretty great day, if you ask me.And my eyes are fine -- it was just like coming inside from a bright day. So you guys can stop worrying about that as well -- I'm not kidding when I say this filter is dark as night.