breaking the cycle


post by leslie

One of my favorite clients works to ensure every single child in Minnesota can get a rigorous and engaging education regardless of their class, race or financial status. To say I am thrilled to work with this organization is an understatement.I had a shoot with them yesterday featuring Breakthrough Twin Cities, which I had never heard of before. This organization prepares underserved students for college and further education, and they were doing amazing things (which I got to photograph). These classrooms are so engaging that several times I got caught up in the discussion and didn't want to move on to the next class. Really.But what I really need to tell you is that there was a heat advisory yesterday and the first campus we photographed was not air conditioned, and these kids were fine with it and I was not and man, my privilege was showing.These assignments are so important because I (obviously) strongly believe in the organizations' missions, but also because they remind me to suck it up and stop being so spoiled. So, so many kids out there do not have the start in life that I nor any of my friends had. To see them working hard through their summer breaks (in steamy classrooms) to get a leg up on a chance to go to college? So inspiring. And yes their parents are probably making them do this. But bravo regardless. For your internet shares of the day:+ Fascinating animal facts like Santa's reindeer are all female. Because of course they are!+ Someone reminded me of this young individual today, and I think it's an important time in history to remind everyone of her sacrifice.+ President Obama released his summer reading list, and the title of the first book made me snort and cry at the same time.