bucatini with bacon and tomato // altered from esquire magazine


So I got this recipe from the April issue of Esquire, and there were three different bucatini recipes. This was the first, but you can bet I'll be trying the others as well. This recipe (as well as the others) is from Joey Campanaro, who cooks at The Little Owl in NYC. Cooking instructions are below -- and you should go pick up the latest issue of the magazine so you can try the other recipes as well.01Take eight slices of thick-cut bacon and chop them into rough pieces. Begin to cook over medium heat until slightly crisp (just under 10 minutes).02Pour off excess fat (leaving a little more than 1 tablespoon) and stir in one small white onion, sliced, and one crushed garlic clove. Cook for several minutes until the onions start to get transparent.03Add in 1/2 cup dry white wine (and go ahead and pour a glass for yourself as well). The cooking wine will start to boil. Reduce it to about half the original amount.04Add one 28 oz. can of whole tomatoes, crushed with your hands, including the liquid, plus 1 tsp red pepper flakes. Lower heat and simmer until sauce thickens (about 20 minutes). Use a wooden spoon to break up the tomatoes and stur the succe to prevent it from sticking.05 06While the sauce is cooking, boil the bucatini. This can be hard to find. You can get DeCecco brand, or I got it from an italian deli down the street (Broder's, if you live in the Twin Cities).07When the sauce is almost done, stir in 1 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley, 5 torn basil leaves and a dash of olive oil. After about 2 minutes, stir in the cooked pasta and sprinkle in 1/4 cup Pecorino Romano cheese, tossing well to coat.Photo by Leslie Plesser.Mmmmm.... so delicious! Enjoy!