cannot resist the breakdancing


0417outsmTonight I was shooting an assignment that involved teenagers at the museum. What I did not know was that there would be breakdancing. You guys! Do you know what a sucker I am for breakdancing? Do you know how much I watched "Breakin'" and "Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo" when I was growing up? SUCH A FAN.Anyway! When I'm shooting on assignment for someone else, I really don't want to put any spoiler photos on my blog -- especially anything that the client might have wanted themselves. So I'm showing you THIS photo because it was a accidental shot as I was turning my camera, hence the crazy angle. I'm pretty sure nobody in their right mind would want this published, and it gives you an idea of the fun that was had.When the *actual* photos come out, I'll alert you then and you can see the real (good) images. What am I saying? There are no bad images of breakdancing.Oh! AND THE BEST PART? Guess what they were dancing to. JUST GUESS. It was Michael Jackson's Thriller. Yup. And I was getting paid to listen and watch the magic unfold. My job is awesome.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to the Season Two trailer for Orange is the New Black. If you don't watch this show, you should skip this. If you do watch the show, enjoy!And, btw, those links to the Breakin' trailers up top are pure gold. It makes me miss the 80s. *sigh*