

Today was my last day of working full time at the Star Tribune. Hell to the yeah. I will still be working a minimum of 24 hours a week there, both on vita.mn and a little on the Star Tribune, so don't worry -- I'm still keeping the all the work that I hold dear to me.So I ended the work day by meeting up with my buddy Alice for drinks, and she brought me this gift from Paris. Yes. From Paris. You know what? If I would have opened up this lovely package to find a stick of gum, I would have been thrilled. But even better? It was a cool display for my photographs! And speaking of that...What will I be doing with my extra 16 hours each week? Working on my photo business! I'm super excited to have the extra hours to devote to photography, and this month is a great time to start this schedule as I have an all-day lighting workshop, several smaller client shoots, and I end the month photographing a wedding in Mexico (again, HELL YEAH). So if you need any family/pets/occasions photographed, please think of me. And spread the word to your friends and family, eh? My husband and his love of financials will thank you (and I do, too).