

Tonight we met up with Eric and Betz for dinner at Tilia. Yes I just ate here last week. And yes I'm eating here again next week. I really, really like it (obviously). So what can I do but introduce everyone I love to my newest find?Anyway, it was really fun to see these two (as it always is), but especially because Betz is due in TWELVE DAYS. Crazy, right? She's handling it pretty well. I think I would be freaking out more, but these two are all blissed out and excited, and I'm so happy for them. So we had an amazing meal and caught up, and then Jamie brought me back home. On a Friday night. Yes, there are a gazillion fun things going on around town (Voltage! Wits! Midnight screening of Rear Window! Film Festival!) but my cough is nagging at me and my family from every direction is telling me that it's because I don't get enough rest. So here I am. At home. Resting. PLEASE TAKE NOTE.