coming down


0423stribsmTonight after work I picked up my buddy London and we went out to dinner downtown and caught up. Man, one thing I do miss about working in an office is seeing my coworkers every day. Not only did we need to catch up on each other's lives, but, you know, Mad Men and TV and office gossip etc etc etc.When I was picking her up, I drove around the newspaper to take in all of the construction. The buildings have been bought by the Vikings and are being torn down for the new stadium that's going up. This building here is the "new" Star Tribune building where online and advertising was housed when I first started working there in 2003. My how things change...For your internet share of the day, how about  this heat map that shows musical preferences by region of the U.S.? Some things are right on, but I was surprised "Indie" wasn't bigger in the Twin Cities and "Metal" wasn't more popular in Texas... Just my two cents...