

This is my dad. Look at those eyes! Yeah, I didn't get those, that's for sure. I think everyone on his side of the family has those gorgeous baby blues.I shot this photo today right before we were all heading out to a funeral. My parents have had a LOT of funerals this year, which I suppose happens at a certain age. Today's service was for Gary, a longtime friend of the family who owned a few bars in town. He kinda reminded me of Buddy Garrity. Not in a bad way at all, but in the way that he was friends with everyone in town -- and man, that church was PACKED today to prove it.The rest of the day was pretty standard -- a little shopping, more time with my grandmother discussing family and basketball and then a really nice dinner out. Oh! And my aunt came into town tonight to see me (I think it's been about 6 years since I saw her last... is that right?). That was really fun as well. Tomorrow Mom and my grandmother and my aunt and I are all heading out for manicures. Girls day out! Woot! (This guy in the photo? Word has it he'll be sitting on the back porch sipping on Miller High Life all afternoon. Lucky guy.)

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser