mom's house


I flew home to Wichita today on a teeny-tiny plane (twelve rows) and got in around noon. Mom and I wrapped a bunch of gifts for Christmas that I brought (since they can't be wrapped on the plane) and then we went out to my grandmother's house for a bit. My grandma is almost 91, and it is always great to see her. "Can I get you anything? Coke? Dr. Pepper? Sherry? Bourbon? Cookies? Chocolates? Egg Nog? With Bourbon?" Seriously, she is not happy until you have some sort of treat in your hand. And it is awesome.My mom has her house all decked out for Christmas, and it looks so beautiful. I thought this candy dish was good representation, and I wanted to show you guys these great colors. I mean, who could even eat one of these? They are so pretty!Anyway, I'll be here for a few more days with no wi-fi and very limited cell service. So if I seem quiet, don't worry, I'll be back on Saturday. With lots of stories, I'm sure.*Also, as a warning, the Panera in Wichita has jerryrigged power outlets that do not work with mac power adapters. HOW EVIL IS THAT? I have 3% left. Gotta bolt.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser