date night!


05smLast night we got gussied up and went to see First Aid Kit at First Avenue. It was so much fun! And I'm happy to report that this was the first time we had hired a babysitter who we did not know previously and all was good and we were not neurotic. Three cheers to us!You should really go click on that link up there. Even if you think you wouldn't like my brand of music, you might like this. I'm looking at you mom and dad. These swedish ladies were so charming and sounded so wonderful AND they covered Jack White! I was thrilled that I finally got to see them perform.You can see more photos from the show over here. Oh! And I forgot to tell you! Some of my photos were selected to be featured in an art show at the Minneapolis Photo Center in January -- and they'll be published in a book! The show is focused on rock'n'roll photography, and I'm super honored to have had photos selected. The opening night party is January 16 if you want to come out and celebrate with me!Ok! Internet shares:Two of my very favorite men (who I sadly do not actually know) in one room. I might melt.Some more amazing photos of Iceland. I tell you what, this place is creeping up on my places-to-visit list.And, lastly, my buddy Lisa shared this hilarious music video in the comments yesterday. Wow. Crazy.