december rain?


The craziest thing happened today... it RAINED. In December. In Minneapolis. And not just a little drizzle, but it freakin' poured and melted a ton of the snow and it was a total mess on the streets. While out in the slushy city making repeated attempts to keep my feet dry, I met up with a few friends. First Kyle and I had lunch at Salut while dodging the rain in total denial with no umbrellas, and then later I met up with Amber, over at Urban Bean Coffee (seen above out of focus) before running about seven gazillion errands all over the wet, sloppy city. Amber is yet another person who I've "known" on the internet for a while (via twitter and her blog), but just met in person today. It is truly stunning to me how many amazing people I've met in the last two years due to this whole big Internet phenomenon, and none of them are axe murderers! (That I know of. Yet.)*Also, I wanted to let y'all know that I finally had to turn off commenting on this blog permenantly. The spammers have got my number, and I'm getting up to 500 spam comments PER DAY -- just managing that is entirely too much work. So please feel free to shoot me an email at leslie [at] shuttersmack [dot] com if you have any comments or questions...

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser