happy new year!


Tonight we stayed in. I know! We're turning into old farts! Right before your eyes! But don't worry, it wasn't that boring. I decided to host a few friends for an intimate dinner party instead of heading out. There were great concerts all over town (Mallman, Dessa, Sims -- all would have been amazing shows to catch), but I really just wanted to stay in and cook and avoid the icy streets and crowds and drunks etc. See? Old. Before you know it I'll be yelling at people to stay off my lawn.Anyway, I cooked beef bourguignon and mashed potatoes and the others pitched in. Eric and Betz brought these delicious cupcakes from Sweets, and we put sparklers* in them for the candles. So! Fun!Oh yeah, and thanks for reading for another *entire year* of Shuttersmack! Can you believe I've done this for two years? I can't. Seriously, I can't. But I gotta let you in on a secret: I still love it. So thanks for reading, and have a wonderful 2011.* Special thanks to Salut for supplying the sparklers since I wasn't smart enough to save some over from July 4.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser