

0129downtownsmI was back downtown today getting my hair done, and I snapped this photo of the crowds in the skyway. For those of you not in Minneapolis, you might not realize that once you leave the city's center, everyone has about 2-3 feet of snow in their yards and piled up on streets. So why not downtown?When I worked nights at the Strib, I would see huge trucks being filled with snow in the middle of the night to be taken out of the city so that traffic and parking would remain normal in the busiest areas of town. Fascinating, eh? I bet most of you didn't realize that we not only shovel and plow the snow, but there's an actual system in play to MOVE it on out. And let me tell you, there's a TON of the stuff. I'm talking about caravans of these trucks moving the snow out west.For your internet share today, I'm sending you to a winter treat. My friend Sarah spent the night in a fish house on a frozen lake when it was 22 degrees BELOW ZERO. And she lived to tell you all about it. I adore this girl (and Dad, try not to roll your eyes at her aversion to hurting the fish).