

02smI shot this last night while seeing Eagulls perform over at the Entry with a bunch of friends. It was a fun show, especially for a Monday night, but kids? I'm gettin' old. By the time I got home, I was completely wiped out! Pretty soon I'll be complaining about my arthritis and reading the obituaries daily!Anyway, today was absolutely lovely here in Minneapolis. It was 77 degrees and sunny and I was so happy that my mother-in-law could visit during some nice weather (she usually visits in December). This is truly the Minnesota that I love. And I spent the day mostly at the computer processing images and answering email. TOTAL FAIL. Also, due to all this computer time, I wasn't able to snap a decent photo for the blog today, which is why I'm showing you one from last night instead. And if you'd like to see the full take of images, they are up over here.For your internet share of the day, I credit my husband for finding the Instagram feed for the TSA. This is awesome! All kinds of weird weapons and such that they've confiscated. Stunningly, the TAPE they took from me in Mexico or the HAND SOAP in Wichita were not photographed. Clearly those were just as dangerous as the items here (check out that fake lipstick!).