end of life


post by leslie

I'm not gonna lie, I've been in a bit of a creativity rut. It happens each year around this time because, well, I've been busting my tail! Photography definitely turns into "work" this time of year instead of the "fun" that it started out as. And with this in mind, I try to remember to schedule breaks for myself in shooting (hello holiday weekend!) and I try to push myself a little more creatively.This morning I had a meeting at a neighborhood coffee shop, so I decided to walk and just take my macro lens. This lens always makes me think outside the box, and it makes me notice the details -- which is inspiring to me.On today's walk, I began to pay particular attention to the beauty in the death of things as the season changes. Here are a few of my snaps. For your internet shares of the day:+ A horse is a horse of course.+ Let's all remember this news story from 1938. Now let's think about our current president's actions regarding the border near San Diego.+ Some fascinating photos of the animals left from the horrendous fires in California.