estas aqui


I did not take this photo! We will welcome Jamie as a "guest blogger" today -- but I'm actually in the photo instead :). The water looked calmer today, so we decided to head out and try some snorkeling. Since we (I) get pretty seasick, we opted for a shorter, hour long trip. Let me just say that an hour in the sea seems way longer than an hour on the massage table. And I prefer the massage table.Anyway, we saw some lovely and colorful fish. I even saw a school of yellowtail snapper (one of my favorite meals in Miami). We took our new GoPro camera and Jamie wore it around his wrist and we set it to take a photo once every 10 seconds. Kids, if you're gonna try this at home, we learned we should have set it to about one photo every five seconds because those fish are kinda fast and we barely got any in our frame. Also, the underwater photos were pretty dark and murky, so if you get a Go Pro, use it outdoors (above water) where the photos are pretty great.We did not see any sharks (thank God) but Jamie says he saw a barracuda. Thankfully he kept that information to himself. I'm posting this photo now (late afternoon) because we miraculously have an internet connection.Tonight we have a beachside bbq planned and Jamie and I might head into town for some shopping. If I get photos of those things, I may post more later. We'll see. And tomorrow? That's the wedding! So we should have about a million great shots from that :).UPDATE: More photos were taken, and we skipped going into town. We may try that before the wedding tomorrow. Or we may get another massage. For today's photos look no further.