buenos dias


Nice start to the morning, eh? These are tacos de juevos (scrambled egg tacos) and man, are they delicious. This is how I have started every day since arriving, and the fresh salsa in that white dish with the spoon? Oh my, I could live on that. Jamie's been getting the banana pancakes each day, which are amazing as well. But you know me, I prefer the salty to the sweet.Today was another day full of sun and sea and naps and hammocks and margaritas. Then after dinner, the girls took two vans and the guys took two vans to our respective "bachelor" nights out. The girls started at a patio bar that featured live music (Mexican indie bands covering Franz Ferdinand, for example) where we downed Coronas and tequila shots. The boys started at a strip club. That's all I'm gonna write about the boys night. I will point out Julie's hilarious remark this morning about that though "Yeah. Those girls aren't exactly working their way through college."We (the girls) proceed down to this fascinating club called the Blue Parrot. It was particularly amazing to me as, um, this is the only way you're gonna catch me in a club like this. VIP girls get in free (we were deemed VIP) and apparently if we were willing to wait in line we could have drank for free (we were not willing to wait). There was a crazy dance floor that offered random smoke sprayed directly in your face as well as massive amounts of balloons. Not like balloons from my photo shoot a few weeks back, but balloons like you make into animals and such. Strange. Lots of unnn-tsss-unnn-tsss music and we had a good time. Julie, in fact, could be seen dancing while wearing a bedazzled eye patch. I didn't want to haul my camera into town and have to carry/keep track of it all night, but man when she was dancing with that eye patch I was regretting the decision to leave the gear at home.Later, at that same club, we wandered over to the area that was on the actual beach, and there was an amazing fire dancer show, where miraculously, no one caught on fire. Shortly after that I left (only so much "clubbing" this girl can handle) and I was amused to learn I wasn't the only one who viewed the club as a great scene for the start of a CSI:Miami episode.Lemme just say that this is most surely not my scene, but I had a wonderful time. I think I could be just about anywhere with Miss Julie and head home with a sore face from all the smiling and laughing. This is kinda cheezy, I realize, but I am so happy that we could be down here for her wedding and experience all these great times with her and Mike. If you ever get the chance to come to Mexico with a group of amazing friends, don't even hesitate.A few more photos from the day are over here.