evenings outside


One of the best things about my job is that this time of year, I'm outside taking photos of people right before sunset, during the golden hour. Which means that when I wrap up the shoot, I'm driving home enjoying the actual sunset and seeing the end of the day.Sunrises and sunsets are so magical to me. And last night, I got to see the moon rise as well.I try not to take photos while I'm driving, but instead to capture nature here and there between shots of families and kids and dogs. This was one such moment last night as a ton of seagulls were circling above us.I have been incredibly busy today and I haven't had much time to be online. So instead, I thought I would share with you some things that I'm enjoying. Leave your own in the comments! I would love to hear what you're up to.+ Currently reading: (We all know I listen more than read these days, thanks to Audible) The Misfortune of Marion Palm. It was suggested by the Star Tribune book editor, and I'm loving it so far.+ Currently jamming out to: Macklemore's Gemini+ Currently eating: Dates. I introduced Ezra to them as a snack, and now it's his dessert in the lunchbox. Win! Also? Chicken chili.+ Currently daydreaming about: Palm Springs.+ Thinking about buying: Driving loafers.