explaining cow anatomy


post by leslie

On Saturday, we went to the fair with the rest of the universe. While in the cattle barn, Ezra grabbed my hand and excitedly pulled me over to this cow. "Mom! LOOK AT HOW BIG THAT COW'S BUTT IS!"Ahem.So that was when we explained (again) that those were utters and that's where the cow keeps her milk and that is not her butt. And in fact, the milk that he drinks each day comes from RIGHT THERE. I thought he might puke on the spot.The state fair gives the kid a lot to ponder, that's for sure.For your internet shares of the day:+ Let's go to Maine. These photos are stunning and beautiful and funny and wonderful.+ Also, that typhoon in Japan was bananas -- more amazing photography.+ 12 great possibilities for freezer meals this winter. I'll be trying several of these.