ezra alexander plesser


01ezsmWell, hello there! Been a few days without blogging, so I'm guessing you guys figured out that our baby was born! This is Mr. Ezra Alexander, and we think he's pretty rad. Look at all that hair!So last Saturday night, I rubbed my belly and told this little guy that if he could hold off and let me see The Replacements before going into labor, then he would be allowed one free pass in high school. And we got to go to the show! And it was fabulous and wonderful and just what we needed. And an hour after we got home from the concert, my water broke.Yup. Just like that.I labored at home until 11 am the next morning (Sunday) and then we headed into the hospital. This little charmer was born at 1:30 pm on Tuesday via c-section. Yeah, go on and do that math. To say it was tough would be an understatement, but I don't want to focus on that anymore. I just want to heal up and get back to my normal self.We're at the hospital recovering a bit longer (trust me when I tell you I need it), and then we'll get back into a groove again soon. Hopefully you'll get some great photos and blog posts a bit more regularly now, but please only count on once or twice a week until I am all healed up.03ezsm 02ezsm