fall color in Lutsen


I'm up in Lutsen this weekend, enjoying the color and photographing families. Mad I didn't invite you? Oh, but I did. You have no one to blame but yourselves for missing this glory!I would say well more than half of these images were shot from our speeding car as I was gawking at the trees on our way up to Lake Superior. My God, it is just stunning in Northern Minnesota right now.We spent the weekend eating amazing food, drinking phenomenal coffee, gazing at the leaves, the water, the sky and the stars, and teaching Ezra games like Candyland, Checkers and War. We read books, we hiked, and I photographed the wonderful families who took the leap and joined me here for the weekend.Don't worry. I've already decided I'm doing this again next year. If you're interested in coming along, just holler.And if you wish you could see more photos from this trip, count your blessings. I'll be blogging about this journey for at least a week to come!