family reunion


1102chrissmWhat a fun day! We spent lunch and the afternoon with all of my aunts and uncles reading old letters that my uncles had written to my grandmother from summer camp (in the hat here is my Uncle Chris from Boston, and my grandmother is in the background).My grandparents would send all three boys off to Minnesota for the entire summer, and the camp stories I heard about during my childhood surely affected my decision to move there. I grew up hearing about the magical northern lights (which I still haven't seen), the loons and swimming in the lakes. I once told my grandmother that sending three boys on the train to summer camp for a full summer must have cost a fortune. Her response? "Worth every penny." Ha!The camp required the kids to send letters home to their parents every Friday, and the boys had to hand in a letter in order to get their dinner. Some letters included songs they had written (hilarious) along with deep thoughts like, "Mom, please send caykies for the hoe-down on Friday. Love, Chris." (Khakis) But my favorites were the empty envelopes that my dad had sent home so that he could get dinner without the effort. And even better yet, I love that my grandmother saved those as well.What an amazingly fun time -- it is so great that everyone came from such far places to see one another.