family time


0315familysmMan, do I love my family. Today, Jamie was talking to his mom on the phone and Magda was following Merlin around kissing his face and driving him crazy. This is particularly funny to us because Merlin used to follow Memphis around doing the same thing -- although she liked it. She sat there and took it like he was her man-slave giving her a facial. Merlin though? He prefers to groom himself, thankyouverymuch.The rest of the day was spent taking long walks, reading, running short errands and napping. So yeah, it was awesome.And now, for your internet share of the day, I'm going to share with you the origin of Matthew McConaughey's "All right, all right, all right." This is yet ANOTHER reference to Dazed and Confused (yes, for all you who missed it, that was the film I referenced yesterday). If you caught the Oscars, then you know McConaughey ended his acceptance speech with this catchphrase, at which point I squealed on the couch.