father + daughter
This was just one of many sweet moments I witnessed among the families I photographed last weekend. There is something so great about fathers and daughters and the relationship they share.Your internet shares today:
+ I love this side-by-side photo comparison of actors and the celebrities they are portraying.+ Watching this piece of art come together is truly mesmerizing! See if you can figure out what he's painting before the end.+ And since it's the middle of summer and I am heading into the woods soon, I thought you might like to know what my favorite read so far this summer has been. Ladies? You must read this one.UPDATE:Many of you know that I create my blog posts at the end of the day previous to posting time. Why do I do this? So I don't have to blog on Fridays. A simple, honest answer.But this morning's news of the killing of Philando Castile has me reeling. Don't click on those internet links above. Instead, read up on what happened to Philando. And Alton Sterling. Do we have video of the entire incidents? No. No we do not. But I am certain that a man does not need to be shot four times in front of his child because he's been pulled over for a broken tail light. I am so horrified and saddened by these cases.+ Here is what happened to Philando.+ Here is what happened to Alton.+ Here is more information about police killings.Also, I would like to point out that, yes, both of these men had guns on them. But both of them also had conceal and carry licenses. Neither of them pointed weapons at officers. And if anyone wants to justify these shootings with "well they had a weapon," then I want to ask, does this 2nd amendment right that I keep hearing about not cover black men?