feeling so, so old


post by leslie

In case you were wondering, either 43 is the age at which you decide you are too old to leave the house past 9 pm for a concert OR having a four-year-old is the stage of parenthood at which you are just too exhausted to head out that late. I'm hoping it's the latter and that by age 8 or 9 we are all sleeping in past 8 am and I can get back out to more shows. Until then, photographing concerts takes more effort than I ever thought possible, and it's just not as much fun as it used to be.Don't worry, I'm not giving up! I'm still planning on putting in the work, but I'm being honest in telling you that at 9 pm on a Friday night after a week that involved three commercial shoots, a wedding and moving my studio, making it out to Beach House took some serious pep talks with myself.And that might also why if you ask me to review the show I will say: "Oh, you didn't get tickets? Just put on your headphones, blare some Beach House, and turn on the visualizer on your mac. Same thing as the show."I don't have any photos of the band's faces because they play in the dark (or are backlit).And I promise I'm not as grumpy as this blog post is making me sound! I'm just being honest about the levels of exhaustion we are facing in our world right now, and how certain parts of our lives are evolving with the lack of sleep and the amount of work and the increase of "Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" that is happening.Anyway, here are some more photos from the show! And internet shares below!+ Check out these amazingly beautiful cakes!+ The photos of the week this year were fantastic.+ I haven't linked to The Sartorialist in a long while, but I still love popping over there for both inspiration and (let's face it) giggles at what those Europeans are up to!