Ferry rides

post by leslie

We're back! And I am already regretting that I didn't bring back more of those Canadian candy bars. What was I even thinking? Sea Salt Caramel Kit Kats? I should have bought them all.Anyway, we had a LOT of travel mishaps on this trip. Flights, buses, ferries, you name it, nothing turned out as we planned. Except for Delta. Delta was a champ and showed up on time and delivered us on time, and I have zero complaints about them. Good job home team.But Alaska airlines messed up at every single turn, and in the first instance we had to fly into Vancouver instead of Victoria which meant we had to ferry over to Victoria to pick up our rental car etc the next day. It was a dreary morning, but it was so lovely for photos. Relaxing and wonderful and I tried my best to embrace it and to read my book and take photos of the beautiful Salish Sea. And these are those images. Enjoy!