

LJP_6993wLast night, Jamie and I dragged our youngest niece and nephew (ok, ok, they were happy to come!) out to the beach to see the Milky Way. This was shot around 10 pm, but the moon was super small last night (just a sliver of light) and it set at 9:30, so I knew it would be super dark. And man, was I right. I was glad I had so many people with me because that right there was perfect axe-murderer conditions. But we all survived and got the shot! And it was so lovely out.There are still things I wish were better about this image (sharper focus, reflection on the water etc etc), but I was so happy to see so much color and variation in the stars.After shooting the sky, I showed the kids how to paint with light, and we quickly made the image below before heading back.I hope you all are having a fantastic Labor Day Weekend!LJP_7002w