finally! a girl!


post by leslie

You guys, a friend of mine had a baby.Well, I should be clear, MANY of my friends and MANY of my clients are having babies right now. But this was one of those friends who is at my house a lot and who I adore both personally and professionally and who I ring in the new year with and who brought me dinners when I had my own baby.And she had a GIRL! Of all my super close friends who live in Minneapolis, this is the first one to have a girl (at least in the last 5 years)! And this baby girl has the most beautiful wavy hair and the longest and most elegant fingers and toes and she is adorable and I couldn't be happier. Of course I've taken photos. You can see them below.For your internet shares of the day:+ Urban Outfitters has some great furniture design lately, like this and this.+ Great financial advice.+ I don't know how I would ever recover from this.