fire and ice


Have you ever been to a loppet before? Today was my first. Wait, what is a loppet, all you non-Minnesotans ask? It's a big gathering of skiers (mostly cross country) who ski in various races and celebrate in a party afterward. Minneapolis hosts one on the frozen chain of lakes each winter, and since it was *all the way up in the 30s* today (spoken like a true northerner) we decided to go check it out.They have races all day for different groups -- they even one where dogs pull the skiers! But it was during the KU basketball game so maybe I'll catch that next year. Anyway, at dusk they have a "luminary loppet" where the course is lit by beautiful ice luminaries. In the middle of the course, they have several bonfires (yes, on the frozen lake) where you can warm up -- which is what the photo is above. But don't worry, I took photos of the race as well. You can see them over here.And let me just reiterate how much I love living here in Minneapolis. Many of you hear me say this ALL THE TIME, but today was just one more instance where I was so thrilled and proud of the turnout and the happiness and fun being had at this event. This is really the most amazing and wonderful place to live. Yes. Even in February.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser