first day of school!


post by leslie

Today was the first day back at preschool (he'll be there three years thanks to a mid-September birthday), so I thought I better do the obligatory photos! We had a super busy weekend that was full of last-minute work emergencies for Jamie and a trip to the state fair with 270,000 other Minnesotans (Not our best decision! But we still had fun!).Here is the link to last year's first day, in case you are curious about his growth the way I was. This kid continues to amaze me. Last night we were reading a book about dinosaurs and how they were year so many billions of years before humans when Ezra interrupts me to ask, "Hey Mom! Well, how was the first baby ever born then? There was no mommy to hold it in her tummy! Where did it come from?!" The deepest questions always come at bedtime.Here are your internet shares of the day!+ A new camera that I can't wait to get my hands on.+ How to fall asleep fast.+ We never stop working. Relevant to my life right now.